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Billy Mc Laughlin  

The Lighthouse Theatre & Event Center.

Join us for our Theatre and Concert series.


Our auditorium is in an old church that was built in 1936 and  has beautiful hardwood  floors, stain glass windows and wonderful acoustics.  We even have our own bell that we ring before every show in honor of our new friends - our  old friends  and our friends that have passed to the great concert hall in the sky.


 Our intimate "homey"  atmosphere and great sound & light show along with visual effects, props and staging allows you to get lost in the moment and have an experience that I am sure you will not forget.  The artists love the intimate setting and unique atmosphere  to share their talents with us.


Our goal is to bring a wide variety of music and theatre for all ages to you instead of you having to travel hundreds of miles to see them. 


Some of the artist you may of heard of and some of the artists you may never have heard of before but we can guarantee that they will put on an awesome show and you will walk away  from the show with an awesome experience and a new friend!


 We are so honored to have these great artists with unbelievable talents share an evening with us!  


You are able to share an up close and personal experience with the artist and meet them and get a chance to visit with them and purchase their music.



Please help us spread the word and support live music and the arts!


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" This is Albert Lea's  hidden jewel!   Fabulous talents, intimate setting and great acoustics -  this place is awesome!".

"We call this place our Little Branson !.

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